

classical-only part of the Direct (or Discrete) Reaction Field (DRF) approach
Current version: 2012.01 (shared with CC-BY-NC license). See also all python tools and the drf90 pages.

Job input

to be updated soon
Setting up a job
There are a few stages in setting up a job with DRF90.
You need to have a good description of the solute/solvent molecules as they are in vacuo, i.e. you need a geometry and for each atom a charge.
You need to have for both solute and solvent, the macroscopic density as well as the molecular mass. If the density is not known, you can use rgc to get a reasonable estimate.
Make a choice for the form of the image box.
Use solvents to determine either:
- the size of the image box from a given number of solutes/solvents
- the number of solvents that will fit in an image box of a given size
Use rgc to generate a starting configuration of randomly oriented molecules.
[Hint: increase the size of the box slightly if rgc isn't able to put everything in the box exactly; this may happen for larger numbers of molecules; the Wall Force will make sure that during the simulation everything will stay inside the box]
Perform a Molecular Dynamics simulation for ca. 20 ps to equilibrate the system, using a Wall Force to keep the molecules within the box.
Perform a Molecular Dynamics simulation for ca. 50 ps for the production run, using a Wall Force to keep the molecules within the box.