Marcel Swart
personal details
honors and awards
academic leadership
editorial responsibilities
public engagement
duties and committees
membership societies
research funding
links with industry
Invited talks
contributed talks
PhD committees
evaluation panels
CV M. Swart
personal detailsappointmentseducationhonors and awardsacademic leadershipeditorial responsibilitiespublic engagementduties and committeesmembership societiesoutreach
overviewpublicationsresearch fundingcollaborationssoftwarelinks with industry
Invited talks
contributed talksparticipation
PhD committeesevaluation panels

Member of evaluation panels

External expert for AEI, AMU, ANEP, ANR, DFG, ERC, ESF, FONCYT, FONDECYT, FWF, FWO, GACR, LaCaixa, MSCA, NWO, Poland, PRACE, Royal Society, SARA, SNF, UdG
Member of W&T4 Chemistry Expert Panel of FWO Belgium
Member of Doctoral INPhINIT Fellowships Interview Panel, La Caixa Foundation
Member of DCS Thesis Award Panel, Dutch Catalysis Society
Member of JuniorLeader Fellowships Interview Panel, La Caixa Foundation
Member of QMC-FPD committee (ANEP) for postdoctoral positions (Juan de la Cierva), Spain
Member of QMC-PROEXT2011 committee (ANEP) for short-term visits by staff members
Member of QMC-BEX2011 committee (ANEP) for postdoctoral scholarships abroad

Member of PhD reading committees and PhD tribunals

June 26 (2024)
VU Amsterdam, Netherlands
Reading committee and Tribunal PhD thesis Celine Nieuwland
February 21 (2024)
Melbourne, Australia
Reading committee PhD thesis Fathima Zahra Mohamed Zamir
June 6 (2023)
Carnegie Mellon, USA
Tribunal PhD thesis Tong Wu
November 14 (2022)
UAB Barcelona, Spain
Reading committee PhD thesis Jose Emilio Sánchez Aparicio
September 9 (2022)
Oulu, Finland
Reading committee PhD thesis Outi Lampela
May 16 (2022)
Girona, Spain
Tribunal PhD thesis Carla Magallon
September 15 (2021)
Melbourne, Australia
Reading committee PhD thesis Nisha Mehta
June 25 (2021)
VU Amsterdam, Netherlands
Reading committee and Tribunal PhD thesis Matteo de Santis
January 25 (2019)
ICIQ Tarragona, Spain
Substitute Tribunal PhD thesis Franziska Hegner
August (2018)
Padova, Italy
Substitute Reading committee PhD thesis Marco Bortoli
September 18 (2017)
ICIQ Tarragona, Spain
Substitute Tribunal PhD thesis Rodrigo García-Muelas
May 22 (2017)
UAM Madrid, Spain
Tribunal PhD thesis Francisco Navas (UAM)
March 3 (2017)
Groningen, Netherlands
Tribunal PhD thesis Duenpen Unjaroen
February 14 (2017)
Perugia, Italy
Tribunal PhD thesis Maria Ricci
February 14 (2017)
Perugia, Italy
Tribunal PhD thesis Chiara Petrucci
February 14 (2017)
Perugia, Italy
Tribunal PhD thesis Carlo Alberto Gaggioli
December 19 (2016)
Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona
Tribunal PhD thesis Emanuele Monza
December 2 (2016)
Groningen, Netherlands
Tribunal PhD thesis Davide Angelone
November 11 (2016)
UAB Barcelona, Spain
Tribunal PhD thesis Francesca Peccati
May 11 (2015)
Groningen, Netherlands
Reading committee and Tribunal PhD thesis Thom Pijper
December 8 (2014)
Uppsala, Sweden
Tribunal Half-time PhD thesis Beat Anton Amrein
November 28 (2014)
UAB Barcelona, Spain
Tribunal PhD thesis Manuel Ortuño
July 12 (2013)
ICIQ Tarragona, Spain
Tribunal PhD thesis Giovanni Salassa
June 14 (2013)
Girona, Spain
Substitute Tribunal PhD thesis Irene Prat
December 20 (2011)
Girona, Spain
Substitute Tribunal PhD thesis Isaac Garcia-Bosch
November 11 (2011)
URV Tarragona, Spain
Tribunal PhD thesis Alex Domingo
June 15 (2011)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
Reading committee and Tribunal PhD thesis Willem-Jan van Zeist
May 27 (2011)
URV Tarragona, Spain
Tribunal PhD thesis Ramón Valencia
February 4 (2011)
Girona, Spain
Tribunal PhD thesis Ferran Feixas
May 19 (2010)
URV Tarragona, Spain
Substitute Tribunal PhD thesis Núria Queralt
June 12 (2009)
Universitat Autònoma, Barcelona:
Tribunal PhD thesis Carles Acosta
December 9 (2008)
VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
Reading committee and Tribunal PhD thesis Marc van Bochove
March 12 (2006)
Girona, Spain
Reading committee PhD thesis Albert Poater
January 18 (2006)
Leiden, The Netherlands:
Tribunal PhD thesis Marieke van den Bosch